The WAOWE contains a knowledge that changes the life of those who glimpse it.
It reveals the physiological function of the continents.
The health of the biota (all life on the planet) lies in respecting and enhancing the function of them. South America, as well as Antarctica and Africa, each of these entire bodies performs a function that lays the foundation for the evolution of life.
VTP eco project is aimed to be a center for the development of sustainable habitat culture in containment areas of natural reserves in, South America. With volunteers and cooperation from universities and companies around the globe.
A creative action to exchange knowledge and enhance the local forests conservation, developing creative solutions for current and future social and environmental challenges.
Starting in Bolivia, precisely in the Elbow of the Andes, a geological formation where the three most important biomes of South America meet, the Chaco, the Andes and the Amazon, where we are living now. Till now we have organized festivals “Sueño con un Bosque” and Earthdays, since 2016, to bring the culture of conservancy and protect the aquifer named Dos Vertientes, that provides the neighbor village of Samaipata with 40% of its fresh water supply.
At the worst moment in the history of Bolivian forests, and the planet, VTP was born. During the largest burn caused by humans, August 2019, the fire spread for three months, destroying more than 5 million hectares of protected areas, only in Bolivia. A similar disaster occurred at the same time in Brazil. The green belt of the burning planet, the lung of the world.
Immediately afterwards, November of that year, while the Chiquitanía was still burning, a global lung disease appeared. What a coincidence… A global disease has a global origin, and the cure must be of that magnitude. We are the generation of globality and we are going to generate the tools and medicines for this level of diseases. Tools for managing energy and resources at that level, integrating ourselves into the functioning of the biota system, and consequently, of the Earth system.
South America for 65 million years evolved to be the home of life, the lung of the Earth, generator of medicine and various fruits, fresh water and food for marine beings, those tiny and insignificant microbes that generate oxygen that we breathe.
Today South America is a barn and pasture for cattle, although its soils are the least suitable, for this reason they are always poor and suffering economies, agriculture is a kingdom of speculation that works based on imported fertilizers and machinery. It is a harmful economy in every sense, on the one hand the lung of the planet is destroyed and on the other it is cultivated with excess agrochemicals to sustain a harmful diet for human beings.
South America now, from the satellites images, looks like a damaged jungle, the human crop seems to be mange on the skin of a green animal. South America must go back to being green, dedicated to fruit not grain, dedicated to medicine and oxygen, and export that and nothing else. Livestock can be only complementary, as well as vegetables and grains.
From the satellite you should see dark green, tree green, life green. In the Andes, potatoes and corn grow well. In the desert to the west of the Andes, well irrigated, as the Incas once did, everything grows. But that is made with fresh water, which is produced thanks to the east of the continent, to the green east, Amazonian and Chaco’s forests.
That is the goal, that is the vision, water and air for the world. Recover the function of the organ of the biota called South America. For this we must understand what is the role of the human being in the Earth system. What is the role of the other components of the system, and not harm its performance and evolution.
The project is a comprehensive sustainable initiative that is meticulous from its conceptual design, using color theory applied to organizational areas, sustainable habitat engineering to efficiently manage all human energies, adding renewable energies, water management, permaculture, agroforestry, integration culture, exchange of knowledge, health and productivity, within the VTP project.
Wao you!