The greatest OF Earth’s artworks
An integral, inclusive and conscious collective experience.
GEA project
Artists of all arts, cultures and genders, plus scholars from different areas of science, and ancestral knowledge keepers, together in a phenomenal undertaking.
The main theme is to reflect over “The human role in Earth’s homeostasis” .
The objective is to potentiate hope, in overcoming today’s social and environmental challenges.
– An artwork for the whole world: Painting and poetic act.
– Two-week multidisciplinary intercultural event, art internship.
– Exhibition/workshop world tour. Graffiti contests.
– Adjacent and institutional works of art on all fields of art.
– Documentary series.
– APP.
From theater to landscaping, sculpture to music, GEA comes with art for the blind and deaf, children and third age, as expressions in sports, handicrafts and street art. An expansive project to take the world and unite it through art.
first steps
aN artWORK for the whole world
The WAOWE painting is ready after a hard year of work.
It is time to take it, as a poetic act, to the conservation house for the cultural heritage of humanity in Paris, during world art day, on April 15, 2022.
It must be preserved in the vault of humanity’s knowledge.
Current NFT strategy is the creative action on the web to impulse GEA project.
20 years
all art spheres
The first action of GEA is to take the WAOWE, as a poetic act, to the house of conservation of the cultural heritage of humanity in La Maison del’UNESCO, Paris, France, during the world art day, to let them known that this work of art must be preserved in the ark of humanity’s art and culture, because it carries a transcendental wisdom and a reflection addressed for all humanity.
After that, present it on an event on the 21th of the same month.

is a two-week integral event and art internship.
Where invited artists watch scholars debate for four days on the hypothesis that the WAOWE raises. Over that conceptual bed, the artists elaborate their artworks during the remaining days. The artworks made in the event, make up a new multicultural version of the WAOWE, named The WAOWE GO.
The individual works, plus the new WAOWE, plus the audiovisual documentary and the memorandum of the event, make up the traveling exhibition that will tour the world. In each place that the exhibition visits, a workshop for children and a graffiti contest are held, the winner receives a prize and resources to carry out their design that integrates the Waowe into that city or town.

FOURTH ACTION: Adjacent works.
– The Disc of Nations:
A copper disc with the WAOWE symbol, plus its emblem in the language of each nation to be delivered to each cultural delegate from all the nations of the world. A token of unity.
– Murals, sculptures, mosaics, engravings, etc. In cultural institutions and companies associated with the project.
– Landscape reforestation and architectural works of the cultural centers of the Waowe Foundation.
– Theatrical Play:
A play about personal empowerment, that is pre-produced to be staged in each city visited, with the participation of local artists.
– Musical Work:
The Earth Colossus compendium, tells the mysteries of the WAOWE and its powerful message for humanity, interpreted by voices and instrumental talents from around the world.
– Literature:
Futuristic novel “Earthman´s predictions”. The history of the discovery and the speculations of the author over the WAOWE. A utopic future where the role of humanity in Earth’s homeostasis has already been understood.
Scientific theoretical work “Intelligence and life beyond the Biota”. That raises a field of study called “Geo-semantics”.
– Animated film:
A moving and magical story, magical-realism and futurism, based on the novel Earthman predictions.
Channeling art from around the world to generate digital art through AI and explore concepts through sensations, uniting arts and artists. Earth made art.
Parallel Action: WAOWE Documentary Series.
The entire process is recounted, from the discovery of the symbol, the creation of the fundamental work, the author’s quest to make the work known, the key moment, the fundamental characters, the development of the artistic project, the artists, the scientists, the cities, the graffiti, the adjacent works and the creation and launch of the app.
Temporary framework of the project 15-20 years.
Copyright 2022 © WAOWE brand, logo and all website images are intelectual property of Earthman.